Project Development, Business Planning and Bid Writing Case Studies


Business Case Development – Devonport Market Hall

Buckman Associates Ltd supported the Real Ideas Organisation to develop a ‘full business case’ for the Devonport Market Hall for submission to the Heart of the SW LEP’s Unlocking Growth Fund.  The full business case was required to meet the Treasury Green Book requirements, which included the development of:

  • The strategic case – The project objective, why it is required and how it fits with national, regional and local policies, strategies and plans;
  • The economic case – Demonstrating that the project optimises public value by a thorough options analysis and economic appraisal of costs and benefits (including Return on Investment);
  • The commercial case – Demonstrating that the activities are based on clear market opportunities, can be procured and will be commercially viable;
  • The financial case – Setting out the capital and revenue requirements to deliver the project as well as how the project will be funded over its lifetime;
  • The management case – Setting out the proposed management and governance of the project, including risk management and monitoring and evaluation.

An important part of this business case was the identification and quantification of the economic impact of the project.  We achieved this by modelling the benefits over time using nationally recognised benchmarks.  We then applied standard discounting factors to both benefits and costs to calculate a return on investment (ROI).

Background image courtesy of Real Ideas Organisation



Project Development, Business Planning and Bid Writing Case Studies

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