Evaluation and Impact Assessment Case Studies
Evaluation and Impact Assessment
Evaluation of Propel (ERDF Summative Assessment)
In partnership with Southern Horizons (UK) Ltd, Buckman Associates Ltd supported Cornwall Marine Network (CMN) to effectively monitor and evaluate their ERDF funded ‘Propel’ project. After successfully winning the competitive contract, the work started with a thorough review of project documentation to understand the background to the project and how it was to be delivered.
The team then worked alongside the CMN delivery team to develop a robust monitoring and evaluation plan, which clearly set out how the project would monitor key activities as well as capture the information required by the Managing Authority, MHCLG.
The project concluded with a full ESIF compliant Summative Assessment report, which addressed both the needs of the client, as well as the funder. The evaluation work has helped the client to demonstrate the project’s significant impact and excellent value for money as well as shaping future delivery.
Evaluation and Impact Assessment Case Studies
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